Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science: Practical and Modern Research


On behalf of the Journal, as Editor-in-Chief, it is my distinct honour and privilege to welcome you to the Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science.

The Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science aims to spread knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to Modern Scientific Techniques. The open access journal is published by Longdom Publishing who hosts open access peer-reviewed journals as well as organizes conferences that hosts the work of researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards in research integrity.

We are delighted to share one of our recent published scientific communications with you titled “Structural Elucidation of Drug Aspirin by Using Various Software Tools Like HyperChem, Argus Lab, ChemSketch, Avogrado and Chemeo Database”. The corresponding author Dr. Laxmi K is one of our eminent authors. She has well demonstrated her research work and the following abstract says it:

This article refines tweaks and completes the mathematical model that allows accounting qualitatively and quantitatively for the Crabtree effect in eukaryotic cells cultured in the chemostat. To the respirofermentative phenomena, this work adds the representation of the often-observed maintenance phenomena. This extended two-way model accounts for the theoretical aspect of maintenance but also allows us to calculate the associated coefficient. We obtained, for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a value of mGLU=0.094 h-1 very close with those of the literature. An unexpected relationship between ethanol produced by the yeast and its intracellular pyruvate concentration was highlighted, as well as the plausible independence of the yield coefficient from the maintenance coefficient, a relevant observation for optimization in biotechnological production processes.

You can read the full length article from here

Our Journal emphasizes high-level research and education. Original research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editors in the fields of ecotoxicology are welcome. Every effort is made to have a speedy and critical peer-review process.

We always encourage your research works under the scope of our Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science. (Tap on the link to submit your research work)

With regards,

Joseph Marreddy
Managing Editor
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science
WhatsApp: +3225889658